About Jane Lloyd

Jane Lloyd B.A., M.Ed., AMBDA

Sentiometrics has been developed by Jane Lloyd as a result of many years’ experience assessing people with learning and behavioural challenges and monitoring the effects of intervention strategies. Her early experience was with children with dyslexia and she worked for several years in a specialist dyslexic school using appropriate teaching systems. She has qualifications in specific learning difficulties, mild and moderate learning difficulties and educational evaluation and research techniques.

Over the last twenty years Jane has trained in many different therapeutic approaches and has been using and developing a huge variety of techniques to help to correct underlying processing difficulties in both children and adults. Problems resolve much more quickly and permanently if the causative factors are properly addressed. People of all ages learn to read easily, for example, if the visual and auditory processing difficulties that are causing the problem are resolved. People who find it hard to focus their attention will learn to concentrate if they are no longer hypersensitive to their environment and their processing systems are helped to mature.

Sentiometrics is designed to find out what is unique about each individual and what might be holding them back and to recommend ways of addressing any issues revealed. It is designed for people of all ages and abilities. Most of us have things which we could do even better.